Sunday, August 8, 2010

Raising Rex!

I'm Heather. I'm married to Andy. I'm 38 weeks pregnant with our first son, Rex Arthur.

We will be exclusively cloth diapering our son. It will be a learning experience. I'm on my own in learning how to best keep my baby clean and dry. I'm going to chronicle the humorous, successful, and the disastrous attempts to teach myself how to cloth diaper.

I'm also going to be exclusively breastfeeding for as long as possible. When we start feeding Rex solid food, it will be food made fresh by me in my kitchen. I will share my experiments with recipes and ways of preparing fruits and veggies to be pureed. This will also be a learning experiment, but I have a lot more experience with food than with poop!

Andy finally put our new clothes line up, so I'm going through the process of prepping new diapers, washing clothes, and setting up our nursery. It's a good thing I have some nesting energy to spare. Welcome to this journey with our family. We'll laugh and cry and learn and we'll raise Rex!

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