Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkin Spice!

My two favorite things about fall are Honeycrisp apples and pumpkin spice coffee! Well, coffee and I don't get along so well right now, but I wanted the taste. So I tried the CoffeeMate Pumpkin Spice in black tea and it was PERFECT!

Now I can't find the creamer anywhere. I went through my one bottle and now I can't find it. There's other seasonal flavors, but I should have bought 15 cases of the pumpkin spice. and I'm sad.

Rex's First Halloween

Last year we got a great deal on a Monkey costume right after Halloween for Rex to wear this year. I have to say, it was ADORABLE! LOL

We went trick or treating downtown to the businesses on Friday and it was so much fun! Rex was so well behaved. I did take him in the stroller, because he's not the best walker yet. BUT he is walking almost all the time now. Plus it was rainy, so it was better for him to be tucked up cozy in his stroller than walking around in the rainy cold. We got some candy, but we ate it all ourselves. He really doesn't need candy yet.

The biggest event of the day was a fire at one of the downtown businesses! Luckily it was a very small fire and there was only a bit of smoke and water damage. They are hoping to be open again by the end of the year! It was a little scary to smell the smoke and hear the sirens, because I've had a house fire before and it brings back memories of that, but it was all contained and taken care of in no time. By the time we made our way back down to the street it was on the smoke was gone and the fire was out.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Rex has been crawling for ages. And for some reason he has just refused to walk. He'd walk with his walking toys, and seemed to have all the other skills necessary for walking, and he simply had no motivation to get vertical. So, I started to get together with a friend who's son is about 5 months older than Rex and is walking around like a pro, and it's worked! BY GEORGE HE'S GOT IT!

He isn't doing a lot at a time yet, but he's getting better and better each day.

Way to go, Buddy!

Monday, August 15, 2011


WOW! What a crazy crazy year! Rex is a year old. He has been out in the world for a year. He has been wandering around for 12 months. He is so big and knows so much and is learning so much so fast.

Rex's party was a HUGE success. We had a ton of people here. Rex was surrounded by people he loves and I loved having everyone in our home to celebrate Rex.

The weather was beautiful and everyone got a great surprise!

We're PREGNANT! We're going to be having another baby in April!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Out trip to Florida!

We had a BLAST! It was sad that Daddy wasn't able to come with us, but it was a great trip. Rex was fantastic on the road. And Cousin Paigey was a lifesaver on the way down, even feeding him in the car a few times when he was hungry. He had two big meltdowns the whole trip up and down! Interestingly, it was in the exact same area. We pulled off at the exact same exit going South and North to let him stretch out and change him and get him calmed down! It was pretty weird!

We ended up staying in a hotel ON DAYTONA BEACH! It was great. And Aunt Kelly got to come over for a couple of days so we could all spend some time on the beach! It was a big help having Kelly around because she was willing to watch Rex on the sand while I played in the water with the girls. It was helpful having 3 adults, but it would have been GREAT if we'd had Daddy. It left me looking forward to the next time we get to take trip with the family! It wasn't very relaxing, but it was a lot of fun.

Rex's birthday is in a week!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fourth of July!

We had a great time hanging out downtown for Cherry festival! And we had a GREAT 4th of July. Rex was a little cranky towards the end of the evening because he never naps well when we are out and about, so he was tired, but he managed to see the first few fireworks, then fell asleep in my lap! He really was a great sport. He had a great time playing on the beach and in the water. He's like a little fish and loves spending time being wet!

I can't believe he's getting so old! Next month he will be ONE YEAR OLD! That's ridiculous! LOL.

At the end of this month we'll be taking our first vacation. Daddy isn't able to come because he'll be working, but we'll be taking cousin Paige home to Florida and we'll be driving there with Grandpa Don. It will be a LOOOONG road trip, so I hope Rex does well.

Monday, June 20, 2011

First Daddy's Day

I think Hubb's first Fathers' day was a good one. I got him a toaster oven (he's been coveting one since his brother moved out and took his with him) and let him sleep in. Rex was good almost all day, then skipped his afternoon nap, then was a terror all evening. He didn't want to go to sleep at bedtime, stayed up until 9:30, woke up at 2:00am, and wouldn't go back to sleep, even in bed with us. It's been so long since he slept in bed with us that now it's like play time when he comes to bed with us. So I was stuck sleeping with Rex on my chest downstairs from 2:30 until about 7 when Rex decided he could get up for the day.

Today he seemed like he was going to do well. He woke up and played happily. He wasn't too grumpy at all. Then he took a great nap at about 9:30 that lasted more than 2 hours! He woke up happy and played for a while. Then things started to go downhill. He got cranky, didn't want to eat, didn't want to play with his toys and was generally clingy. I was finally able to get him to take a nap at about 4:30 and he took a long nap again, but when he woke up he was still cranky. I can't tell if it's just one of his teeth coming in or if he may have an ear infection. It's so hard to tell sometimes. He did have a slight fever, and he was hitting the side of his face/head and tugging his ear. He also seemed to have a hard time swallowing. It could have been pain from the teeth or from the ear, and there is really no way to know for sure except to see the doctor. I will make the decision tomorrow whether or not to take him in. Maybe I will invest in one of those ear scope-y things so I can check things out myself in the future.

Other than that he's been doing really well. He still is refusing to stand up by himself, but we have been able to make him take steps when we're holding his hands. He doesn't like to, though, so he usually just tried to flop on his back or sink to his knees when we try to encourage him to walk.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The past month.

Well, Rex has been practicing his crawling and pulling up. He's a pro at both of those but we're working on getting him to stand up by himself, so we can hopefully get him walking soon. Rex and I will be going to Florida in July to bring my oldest niece back home from her month long visit with her biological father. We'll be taking the trip with Grandpa Don, so it will be a fun family visit. We want him walking, at least some, so that when we stop to get stretch and get gas he can get out and burn some energy without having to crawl on the ground. Plus we want to make sure he takes his first steps when daddy is home (or at least in the same state) instead of so far away where he can't be there with him. The next month or so we'll be making sure we have the video on our phones ready to get to fast so we can catch those steps digitally to relive forever.

He was doing fantastic with sleeping until this week. Something has triggered him fighting sleep and crying when we put him down in his crib. It could be separation anxiety, but I really don't know. He has been taking naps in his crib most of the time for about a week now. He had to because it was really hot out, and his bedroom and our bedroom are the only rooms with air conditioning. So he was much more comfortable in his crib than he would have been sleeping on me.

He also has more teeth! He has his front teeth on top and bottom and then one more on top has poked through, but isn't all the way in yet and two on the bottom are poked through too. It's so crazy to look at my little boy with a mouth full of teeth! In just a few short days he'll be 10 months old and then only two months until a year old. It's just all going by so fast.

He's eating really well, too. He eats three meals of solids a day. Usually getting fruit in the morning with either yogurt or baby cereal. Then for lunch he gets a veggie and a fruit, and at dinner he'll get a veggie and fruit. He also gets some snacks during the day. Sometimes he eats the gerber puffs, sometimes he has little bites of my food (like broccoli with cheese sauce, he loves that) and sometimes I make him cut up fruit or give him some raisins or something like that. He's also had eggs and pancakes for breakfast. He really loves everything you give him. He'll eat green beans and peas as readily as he eats peaches and apples! It makes me feel good that he is going to have a nice broad base of tastes to build on as he gets older. Both Hubbs and I ate lots of veggies and fruits growing up, so I plan to continue that with our child/ren. Plus, now that Rex is eating more and more "table" food we're getting motivated to eat better. We want to make sure that when we're eating, and he's begging for our food (because he does. Like a dog. He goes from person to person and begs until he gets a bite. Then if he likes what he got, he'll stick around and beg for a while, then move on to the next person! It's funny to watch, but we'll be discouraging it pretty soon) that what we're eating is good for him. And when it's good for him, it's good for us. I haven't eaten fast food in a couple of weeks! I haven't lost as much weight as I hoped I would with cutting it out, but I guess just knowing that I am setting a better example for Rex is good enough for now.

We've been to the beach a couple of times already and Rex LOVES to play in the sand and in the water. He'll crawl in the sand near the water and the little waves will come in and he'll crawl out of the water, then back down to it. It's really adorable to watch him! This Summer is going to go very fast. Before you know it, Rex will be a toddler and as sad as I will be to not have my infant anymore, I'm so excited to experience all those firsts, for the first time, with him!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Has it really been 5 months?

Wow, so much has happened since the end of December.

Rex can crawl! He started as a sort of army crawl where he mostly pulled himself with his arms. That turned into a sort of inch worm move where he got up on his toes and leaned way forward and landed. it was funny to watch. Last week we noticed he is actually crawling now. on his hands and knees.

Rex can also pull himself up to standing! He started when were at my dads house (Grandpa Don) and has become a pro at it. He'll pull himself up on the TV stand and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and dance with the music.

I stopped breastfeeding when Rex was about 5 and a half months old because he went on a nursing strike. He preferred the bottle and I didn't have a good enough pump to keep him on breastmilk until he was over his strike, so we decided that 6 months was long enough! It's a lot of pressure off now too. I don't have to worry about making sure there is enough milk frozen to last Rex an evening away from me.

After the two teeth Rex got at Christmas-time, we were waiting and dealing with teething pain for months before his mouth got a little fuller. His two top teeth are now coming in. One is mostly broken through the other is just starting to poke out. It has made his mouth a dangerous place for fingers!!

We also failed at sleep training in the beginning! We didn't get Rex out of bed until March. And when we got him out of bed, he went to his crib. In the beginning, he would wake up several times a night still and need to come into bed with us to get back to sleep, but now he sleeps through the night most nights. He will go to sleep at 8 and sleep until around 7. Some nights he wakes up once, but mostly he sleeps all the way through the night.

Naps are still a little bit of a struggle, but I've learned to pick my battles! Rex will nap for a long time if we are laying together or I'm holding him, so most of the time I will give in to ensure that when he's awake, he's happy. When I try to force the issue and make him nap by himself he usually only gets about 45 minutes of sleep.

At his 9 month appointment Rex weighed 22 pounds 9 oz and was 29 inches tall! He's in 18 month clothes and size 3 shoes! How crazy!