Monday, May 16, 2011

Has it really been 5 months?

Wow, so much has happened since the end of December.

Rex can crawl! He started as a sort of army crawl where he mostly pulled himself with his arms. That turned into a sort of inch worm move where he got up on his toes and leaned way forward and landed. it was funny to watch. Last week we noticed he is actually crawling now. on his hands and knees.

Rex can also pull himself up to standing! He started when were at my dads house (Grandpa Don) and has become a pro at it. He'll pull himself up on the TV stand and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and dance with the music.

I stopped breastfeeding when Rex was about 5 and a half months old because he went on a nursing strike. He preferred the bottle and I didn't have a good enough pump to keep him on breastmilk until he was over his strike, so we decided that 6 months was long enough! It's a lot of pressure off now too. I don't have to worry about making sure there is enough milk frozen to last Rex an evening away from me.

After the two teeth Rex got at Christmas-time, we were waiting and dealing with teething pain for months before his mouth got a little fuller. His two top teeth are now coming in. One is mostly broken through the other is just starting to poke out. It has made his mouth a dangerous place for fingers!!

We also failed at sleep training in the beginning! We didn't get Rex out of bed until March. And when we got him out of bed, he went to his crib. In the beginning, he would wake up several times a night still and need to come into bed with us to get back to sleep, but now he sleeps through the night most nights. He will go to sleep at 8 and sleep until around 7. Some nights he wakes up once, but mostly he sleeps all the way through the night.

Naps are still a little bit of a struggle, but I've learned to pick my battles! Rex will nap for a long time if we are laying together or I'm holding him, so most of the time I will give in to ensure that when he's awake, he's happy. When I try to force the issue and make him nap by himself he usually only gets about 45 minutes of sleep.

At his 9 month appointment Rex weighed 22 pounds 9 oz and was 29 inches tall! He's in 18 month clothes and size 3 shoes! How crazy!

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