Monday, June 20, 2011

First Daddy's Day

I think Hubb's first Fathers' day was a good one. I got him a toaster oven (he's been coveting one since his brother moved out and took his with him) and let him sleep in. Rex was good almost all day, then skipped his afternoon nap, then was a terror all evening. He didn't want to go to sleep at bedtime, stayed up until 9:30, woke up at 2:00am, and wouldn't go back to sleep, even in bed with us. It's been so long since he slept in bed with us that now it's like play time when he comes to bed with us. So I was stuck sleeping with Rex on my chest downstairs from 2:30 until about 7 when Rex decided he could get up for the day.

Today he seemed like he was going to do well. He woke up and played happily. He wasn't too grumpy at all. Then he took a great nap at about 9:30 that lasted more than 2 hours! He woke up happy and played for a while. Then things started to go downhill. He got cranky, didn't want to eat, didn't want to play with his toys and was generally clingy. I was finally able to get him to take a nap at about 4:30 and he took a long nap again, but when he woke up he was still cranky. I can't tell if it's just one of his teeth coming in or if he may have an ear infection. It's so hard to tell sometimes. He did have a slight fever, and he was hitting the side of his face/head and tugging his ear. He also seemed to have a hard time swallowing. It could have been pain from the teeth or from the ear, and there is really no way to know for sure except to see the doctor. I will make the decision tomorrow whether or not to take him in. Maybe I will invest in one of those ear scope-y things so I can check things out myself in the future.

Other than that he's been doing really well. He still is refusing to stand up by himself, but we have been able to make him take steps when we're holding his hands. He doesn't like to, though, so he usually just tried to flop on his back or sink to his knees when we try to encourage him to walk.

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