Monday, December 20, 2010

Coming up to Rex's first Christmas

So, as we approach Rex's first Christmas I realize I've been VERY busy! LOL. Rex has been growing so fast and is so big. He's 17 pounds and 26 inches long and 4 months old. He wears 6-9 month clothes comfortably! He's learned so many things. He loves to grab things and put them in his mouth, he loves to play with his toys and he really enjoys being in his exersaucer!

Cloth diapering has been going so well! We really do love it. We made a bunch of cloth wipes and we really love using them. They are terry on one side and flannel on the other. They clean up so much more than the disposable ones. Rex has outgrown all of his original covers so we only have 3 that fit him perfectly. We can use the larges we have, they are just a little baggy, but he's growing so fast it seems pointless to buy more just to have him outgrow them in a month or less!! Now that the sun is pretty much gone all the time though the diapers all seem dingy. I'm going to have to find ways to sun them without putting them outside. Because it's simply too cold for that!

The Holidays that Rex has had so far have been great. Halloween he was a cloud. He was absolutely adorable! Thanksgiving he wore a cute outfit that Gam Gams got him. He had a big ole turkey on his butt! He's got a couple of Christmas outfits too. One has a reindeer on the butt!!! The other makes him look like a little elf! I am so excited to continue on this journey of learning and teaching! It's been so rewarding and exhausting already and I can't believe how fast it goes!

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