Monday, August 15, 2011


WOW! What a crazy crazy year! Rex is a year old. He has been out in the world for a year. He has been wandering around for 12 months. He is so big and knows so much and is learning so much so fast.

Rex's party was a HUGE success. We had a ton of people here. Rex was surrounded by people he loves and I loved having everyone in our home to celebrate Rex.

The weather was beautiful and everyone got a great surprise!

We're PREGNANT! We're going to be having another baby in April!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Out trip to Florida!

We had a BLAST! It was sad that Daddy wasn't able to come with us, but it was a great trip. Rex was fantastic on the road. And Cousin Paigey was a lifesaver on the way down, even feeding him in the car a few times when he was hungry. He had two big meltdowns the whole trip up and down! Interestingly, it was in the exact same area. We pulled off at the exact same exit going South and North to let him stretch out and change him and get him calmed down! It was pretty weird!

We ended up staying in a hotel ON DAYTONA BEACH! It was great. And Aunt Kelly got to come over for a couple of days so we could all spend some time on the beach! It was a big help having Kelly around because she was willing to watch Rex on the sand while I played in the water with the girls. It was helpful having 3 adults, but it would have been GREAT if we'd had Daddy. It left me looking forward to the next time we get to take trip with the family! It wasn't very relaxing, but it was a lot of fun.

Rex's birthday is in a week!